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Location: Columbus, Franklin -

Riding advice

Current conditions

apparent temperature


windspeed (bft)


wind from


probability of precipitation




  • wind from: Obetz, Franklin
  • changing wind dir

Bodypart Clothing
Head helmet
Upper body long-sleeved jersey (or arm warmers), thermal undershirt, wind stopper
Hands gloves without finger (with fingers if you are easily cold)
Lower body long shorts or leg warmers
Feet regular cycling shoes

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Apparent temperature: 51.4 degrees
Probability of precipitation: 0%
UV-index: 0.0, sunscreen not necessary.

Wind direction: SW
Change in wind dir coming hours: Slightly
Wind direction in a coming hours: W
Wind speed: 2
Head to for headwind first: Obetz, Franklin

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Bodypart Clothing
Head helmet
Upper body long-sleeved jersey (or arm warmers), thermal undershirt, wind stopper
Hands gloves without finger (with fingers if you are easily cold)
Lower body long shorts or leg warmers
Feet regular cycling shoes

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Apparent temperature: 53.0 degrees
Probability of precipitation: 1%
UV-index: 2.0, sunscreen not necessary.

Wind direction: NW
Change in wind dir coming hours: Slightly
Wind direction in a coming hours: NW
Wind speed: 2
Head to for headwind first: Columbus, Franklin

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The map below show where the wind is coming from and some interesting locations for cyclists.

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Bodypart Clothing
Head helmet
Upper body long-sleeved jersey (or arm warmers), second shirt, wind stopper (optional)
Hands gloves without finger
Lower body cycling shorts over the knees (shorts combined with leg warmers)
Feet regular cycling shoes

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Apparent temperature: 54.1 degrees
Probability of precipitation: 1%
UV-index: 4.0, bring sunscreen

Wind direction: NW
Change in wind dir coming hours: Slightly
Wind direction in a coming hours: NNW
Wind speed: 2
Head to for headwind first: Columbus, Franklin

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The map below show where the wind is coming from and some interesting locations for cyclists.

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Bodypart Clothing
Head helmet
Upper body long-sleeved jersey (or arm warmers), second shirt, wind stopper (optional)
Hands gloves without finger
Lower body cycling shorts over the knees (shorts combined with leg warmers)
Feet regular cycling shoes

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Apparent temperature: 54.9 degrees
Probability of precipitation: 2%
UV-index: 6.0, bring sunscreen

Wind direction: NNW
Change in wind dir coming hours: Slightly
Wind direction in a coming hours: N
Wind speed: 2
Head to for headwind first: Columbus, Franklin

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The map below show where the wind is coming from and some interesting locations for cyclists.

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Bodypart Clothing
Head helmet
Upper body long-sleeved jersey (or arm warmers), thermal undershirt, wind stopper
Hands gloves without finger (with fingers if you are easily cold)
Lower body long shorts or leg warmers
Feet regular cycling shoes

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Apparent temperature: 52.1 degrees, the coming hours it will get colder (abt -8.70 degrees).
Probability of precipitation: 1%
UV-index: 2.0, sunscreen not necessary.

Wind direction: N
Change in wind dir coming hours: Slightly
Wind direction in a coming hours: N
Wind speed: 2
Head to for headwind first: Columbus, Franklin

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The map below show where the wind is coming from and some interesting locations for cyclists.

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Bodypart Clothing
Head helmet, bandana or helmet cap
Upper body long-sleeved jersey, thermal undershirt, wind stopper
Hands gloves with long fingers
Lower body long shorts
Feet cycling shoes with overshoes

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Apparent temperature: 34.6 degrees, the coming hours it will be warmer (abt 10.70 degrees).
Probability of precipitation: 1%
UV-index: 3.0, bring sunscreen

Wind direction: NE
Change in wind dir coming hours: Slightly
Wind direction in a coming hours: ENE
Wind speed: 2
Head to for headwind first: Columbus, Franklin

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The map below show where the wind is coming from and some interesting locations for cyclists.

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